Friday, August 10, 2012

My Favorite WoW Moments

My Favorite WoW Moments. Part 1

What I love about WoW is how the virtual, non-linear world creates abundant opportunities for priceless moments that I don’t think even the developers could have predicted.
With more than 10 million WoW players, thousands of items, virtually unlimited talent builds, and the cooperation of many players… someone is bound to come up with a crazy fun idea now and then!

I thought I would write a bit about some memorable moments where I just had a wicked good time in this amazing game. Because, after all, that’s what it’s all about. Sometimes it can feel like World of Grindcraft, so let’s not forget the best memories either.
Here goes:
A new item was introduced into the game in patch 2.4: Elixir of Water Walking. It allows you to walk on water for 10 minutes as long as you’re level 35+. Any damage will cancel the effect. Well, that’s not entirely true. I haven’t had it cancel from shamans’ lightning shield, nor would I expect it to cancel from a priest’s reflective shield. Only DIRECT damage seems to cancel the effect.
You have a chance to get them from the Bag of Fishing Treasures rewarded from completing the daily fishing quests, and since I was doing the fishing dailies for some time, I had collected a stack of 6, granting a cool 60 minute water walking buff.
I was really thinking about selling them, but then I came up with another idea.
I’m on a PvP server and I don’t usually gank others, but when I do, I try to go to Stranglethorn Vale at 2 p.m. server time on Sundays, because that’s when the weekly fishing contest takes place! You can really ruin people’s chances of winning by ganking them. (Evil? Yes. Fun? Yes!)
The problem with ganking is it’s a two-edged sword. Eventually they’ll gank you back, spit on you, and corpse camp you until you log out. But with this special elixir I thought I could be like Jesus and attack from the water! I would be unreachable!
Now, to really take maximum advantage of this you’d want a hunter with 3 talent points in Hawk Eye. Now you have the longest range in-game. And the pet will be a great help too. Don’t forget aspect of the cheetah, either, which will help you get away from any danger fast. Luckily for me, a lvl 70 hunter was just what I had.
When the clock struck 2 p.m. and the contest began I was ready to pop one of these sweet potions and raise some hell! You should have seen those level 70 (and quite a few lower ones) hordies with their fishing poles standing peacefully at the shore and trying to get some catches as fast as possible. Well, things were about to get not so peaceful for them!
Sitting ducks, I tell you!
Once I started attacking them from maximum range and they realized there was nothing they could do except die, that must have been incredibly frustrating lol. If they followed me into the water they had no chance. If they ran from the shore I followed and put some holes in their backs. Haha!
I was having the time of my life with this as I worked my way around the shore (it takes time since you can’t mount with the elixir. Edit: This is now possible since patch 3.0.8). Luckily I never ran into any other hunters or mages, who could’ve really messed things up by hitting me.
I was especially curious to know what the lowbies were thinking. Maybe they never knew what hit them, except a level ?? hunter spreading death from the ocean. I mean, that was probably a first for them!
In the end, I felt a bit guilty and I never reapeated it (not yet anyway), but I hope my victims could see the fun in this elaborate prank as well :-) I know I sure felt like a God, well like Jesus anyway ;) During those 60 minutes of pure bliss I never got hit once.

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